Third, nursing care beds featuring the new Push-and-Ready connection technique are less expensive in the long run, even though that may not become apparent until you perform long-term calculations. That is because the new generation of nursing care beds, such as the new domiflex, cost less down the road and result in fewer additional costs than other nursing care beds. The result is clear savings throughout the life of the bed. As a result, the domiflex fares very well in a long-term comparison.
Where is the new generation of nursing care beds made?
Choosing a nursing care bed is a matter of trust. That is why the new generation of nursing care beds from Hermann Bock is produced exclusively at our site in Verl – for quality made in Germany.
Dr. Kettlehoit, any final remarks?
Nursing care beds featuring the innovative Push-and-Ready connection technique are a worthwhile investment.

Thank you for talking to us, Dr. Kettelhoit.

“Advantages for specialised medical retailers”

Interview with Dr Stefan Kettelhoit, 
Managing Director of Hermann Bock GmbH

Dr. Kettelhoit, what advantages does the state-of-the-art Push-and-Ready connection technique offer specialised medical retailers when it comes to nursing care beds for use at home?

The innovative Push-and-Ready connection technique is elegant, reliable and sturdy. It was developed in cooperation with specialised medical retailers and healthcare equipment providers to do an even better job of meeting their needs.
The Push-and-Ready connection technique is advantageous in many ways. First, a single technician can put it together and take it apart in less than five minutes, without tools. This fast assembly saves healthcare equipment providers valuable time and potentially also personnel expenses.
Second, the modules come pre-assembled and are already built in. That means no loose parts or screws that could go missing during transport or assembly. The advantages for technicians are crystal clear: easy and effective assembly and disassembly. This saves time and is easier on nerves, plus it gives you the constant safe feeling that you always have everything you need.

Next-generation nursing care beds

Hermann Bock GmbH has joined forces with healthcare equipment suppliers to develop a new generation of domiflex beds for home care. These advanced beds go the extra mile to give healthcare equipment providers even more of what they need.
domiflex is the first generation of nursing care beds to feature the innovative Push-and-Ready connection technique – a major advantage for specialised medical retailers.
More about domiflex with Push-and-Ready >>


What are specialised medical retailers saying?

The new Push-and-Ready is receiving very positive reviews. Here are a few reviews from customers and visitors to recent trade fairs for healthcare equipment and rehabilitation technology: 

“It’s a hit”
“Just amazing”
“Really easy to use”
“A genuine advancement”
“You can see the quality just by looking at domiflex”
“Together with the new videos, an ideal way of supporting healthcare equipment suppliers”