Brochures and catalogues

Assembly and operating instructions

Instructions for older bed models

  • ancona · ancona low Assembly and operating instructions 09/2009 (2 MB)
  • centroflex Assembly and operating instructions 08/2007 (1 MB)
  • eloflex 185 Assembly and operating instructions 07/2011 (1 MB)
  • eloflex Assembly and operating instructions 01/2012 (1 MB)
  • lugano Assembly and operating instructions 04/2005 (1 MB)
  • valeoflex tz Assembly and operating instructions 03/2007 (3 MB)
  • vareflex Assembly and operating instructions 07/2014 (2 MB)

Declaration of Conformity

  • Electrical medical bed with double scissor lift Declaration of conformity for the following models: floorline 15|80 - practico 25|80 plus – practico 25|80 – practico economic – combiflex bibs – combiflex
  • Electrical medical bed with single scissor lift Declaration of conformity for following models: livorno low - belluno - belluno bibs
  • Electrical medical bed with actuator lift Declaration of conformity for the following models: domiflex – domiflex 185 – domiflex low classic – domiflex low / low 20/80 – domiflex 3 – domiflex 3 low – domiflex 3 / 185Kg – domiflex 3 low / 185Kg – domiflex 3 plus – domiflex 3 plus low – domiflex 3 plus / 185Kg – domiflex 3 plus low / 185Kg – adiflex 220 – adilec 280

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